Unify on Earth Day

Earth day uppmärksammas världen över med dans, ceremonier eller meditation. För ökad medvetenhet om vårt ansvar som människor, för varandra och för Moder Jord. Kl 18.00 kan de som så vill delta i synkroniserad meditation på många olika platser. Det går också utmärkt att själv arrangera något, på sitt eget sätt.

"A Global Community Gathering for Conscious Change | Peace on Earth

On this day we will join together in a circle of intention to live and to love in peace, balance and harmony on earth; celebrating the diversity of humanity and life on our blue planet.

The spiritual renaissance that is emerging is reflected in each one of our hearts. There is a shift in human consciousness that is taking place. Backed by numerous documented studies, when groups of people come together with a specific intention, it shifts the level of consciousness in those areas...decreasing crime rates, terrorism rates and so forth.

Join us April 22 as we create a sacred field of intention for the protection and celebration of life, humanity and Mother Earth. The more of us that come together, the more profound the field of intention becomes. Invite your friends!"

När: 22 april 2014 16:00 - 22 april 2014 20:00

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